29th January Project Scubillion

Dear Scouts,

Please take note of the details for tomorrow’s beach cleaning project. We apologize for the late post

Attire: Pt Kit (You can wear PE shirts)

Duration: 0845 – 1130 (Land Patrols)
1200 – 1430 (Sea patrols)

If you have any questions please ask your PLs. Your PLs should also tell you your groupings for the day by tomorrow.

Yours in Scouting,


28th January Training

Dear Scouts,

Please take note of the details of tomorrow training as well as that there is beach cleaning the next day. The timeslots you will are assigned to is already on the consent form

Duration: 1500 – 1800

Duty Patrol: Lion

Attire: Pt kit

If you have any questions please ask your PLs

Yours in Scouting,
